Saturday, January 20, 2018

Young "Turks" in the ERC

One of the people who has filled me in on the Conference gathering on January 13, where the new New Strategic Plan was approved, added an interesting fact at the end of one of his notes. He said,

"You might be pleased to know that there were some young "turks" who questioned the status quo. Don't know their names, but they may be future leaders in the ERC."

I'm encouraged but, actually, I'm not surprised. I've been hearing about these people for a while.

I know a nice-sized handful of men and women, in their 30s or younger, who break out in a rash when institutional traditionalists, spout their latest, new and improved church-focused, pastor-dominated, hierarch-ist, uh, vision.

I'm especially encouraged to hear that there were enough of them at Conference to have captured the attention of my friend.

My friend is younger than I am. But, who isn't?!

But, he's not young.

I wonder at his description of these people as young "turks." Young is in the eye of the beholder.


Now that the institutional hierarchy has won this battle, I believe that the questions are:

1. How much will be left of the ERC when it becomes clear to one and all that this latest tweaking of church-ism, pastor-ism and hierarch-ism has crashed and burned? And,

2. How many of our young turks will still be around the ERC/CGGC to be resources to correct the generations of errors made by ERC mountaintoppers and the decline and decay they have masterminded?

I am encouraged that the tone of my friend's comment is positive.

If these young turks are not driven out or leave in frustration...

There might be a Jesus-rooted, Kingdom-focused, repentance-empowered future available for the ERC after all.

I'm praying for it.

We must repent.

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