Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Strategic Plan and "the Priesthood of all Believers"

In an off the blog chat about the new New Strategic Plan, a friend made this comment which, if I had the time and the energy, I'd write a whole series of full-length books about:

"I still don't know how any of this will effect the 'people in the pew' at (the church I pastor) or any of the other ERC churches."


As I say, I could write a whole series of books!

Woe is we!

Understand that the guy who wrote this is bright. He's 500 watt light bulb bright!

He's pro-Conference. (He's been called a Sniper by Lew, but he ain't.)

And, he's connected to the hierarchs. He was invited to be on one of the new Commissions months ago.

He knows his Bible.

He knows his theology.

He's, by the metrics (oh, how I hate that fad word) embraced by the mountaintoppers, successful in ministry.

He attended a Round Table Meeting.

He voted, by your secret ballot, FOR the new New Strategic Plan. 

Yet, with all of that going for him in the Conference, even he can't see the connection between the plan and the disciples in his life.


This plan will be a such a historic disaster!

I could write book upon book, but, let that single, powerful, one sentence observation say it all.

We must repent.

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