Saturday, January 13, 2018

On my Obsession with the ERC Strategic Plan

Years ago, when I was only beginning to explore what it would mean for me to walk in what I was, and still am, convinced is my gift and calling to be a prophet, one of my colleagues in ministry asked me why I never post anything positive about the CGGC.

At the time, the Emerging Church blog was still thriving.

And, I understood his point of view and the reason he asked the question.

I remember the question vividly, about ten years later, because it caused me to think through an aspect of walking in my calling that I'd not considered before.

My friend was speaking from the wisdom taught in homiletics (preaching) classes in theological education.

In that context, we're taught that a preaching plan should include balance in, among other things, positive and negative themes.

What I said then, is that I do my best to say/write what I believe the Holy Spirit leads me to. I'll let Him determine how positive or negative my words are.

As the years have passed, I've increased in my belief in that conviction.

One side note: History reveals that my negative take on what was going on in the CGGC and ERC was accurate. The numerical decline and spiritual decay across our body has followed the track I have described and predicted.


All of that said, my intense focus on the ERC Conference gathering to vote on the ARTICLE VII amendment to the ERC Constitution and, therefore, to implement the new New Strategic Plan is unprecedented in my prophetic ministry.

From the outside, it must seem like an unhealthy obsession.

But, I'll say what I said during the days of the Emerging Church blog. I do my best to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

There are times that I myself don't understand what I do.

What's the big deal with the new New Strategic Plan?

While I feel good about all that I've written about the plan, even I, from time to time, have wondered, "Isn't this enough, already?!"

If I've been successful in following the leading of the Spirit, what does this seeming obsession say about the Lord and the CGGC's relationship with Him?

I'd guess that this probably means that He hasn't given up on us.

I think that the specifics of what I've written are important to Him:

Kingdom, not church,
New Testament, not Middle Ages,
Servanthood, not leadership,
APEST, not parish priests,
Holy Spirit, not hierarchy,
the Word, not CGGC church tradition
Repentance, not human planning.

I suspect that He wants us to let Him break the bonds of our old ways to allow Him to lead us into doing what would feel uncomfortably progressive to us in taking the gospel to millennials and their families.

And, as I've said numerous times, I believe He thinks that our culture is dysfunctional. The attitude that leads to the existence of the group I call hierarchs and the deep-rooted cultures of cynicism and apathy are sinful.


As Forest Gump sometimes says, "And, that's all I have to say about that. "

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