Saturday, January 27, 2018

Living on Mission...with Dogs

So, we went to a dog rescue that, for years, specialized in Golden Retrievers.

In recent years, it expanded its work to Labrador Retrievers and dogs, like Charlie, who are Golden mixes.

And, they do an amazing job. They rescue former puppy mill breeders and dogs who are victims of abuse. They have an extensive outreach. Charlie came to DVGRR from a shelter in Texas that was flooded by by Hurricane Harvey. DVGRR was proactive in reaching out to assist shelters in Texas. DVGRR did the same with the hurricane that hit Florida, whatever its name was.

In addition, DVGRR goes to great expense to import abandoned dogs from Puerto Rico and Turkey and, now, South Korea where dogs are food.

DVGRR is an amazing organization.

In addition, to their works of mercy and outreach, DVGRR creates an amazing sense of community among its employees, volunteers and clients. The DVGRR campus is located near to the store. I chat with people who work and volunteer there and those people are excited about the organization and the work it does. As clients, we are happy to be participants in its work.

Yet, I am angry.

What DVGRR does with dogs closely approximates what disciples of Jesus are commanded to do with people as a part of the Kingdom of God.

Acts of incredible mercy.


Sacrificial service to friends and neighbors.

Clearly, in the first days of the Church of God movement, we resembled, working among people, what DVGRR does with dogs. But, of course, not now.

When I see and participate, in my own way, in what DVGRR does, I burn in fury over what the Shepherd Mafia has done to devastate, among the people of the church, the way of living Jesus and His first followers modeled and taught.

Under pastor domination, the church, particularly our church,... many others besides me have pointed out,...

...has become a provider of meaningless religious products and services and has turned its attenders into mere consumers who, as I read the Word, will not fare well on the Day the Great Shepherd separates the sheep the goats.

Oh, if, following Jesus, we could do, among the men and women of the world, what the people of DVGRR do with puppies.

We must repent.

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