Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Thoughts about the Hierarchs Already Creating New Commissions

The hierarchs really already have dissolved the Commission structure demanded by the current Constitution...and they did it without the approval of the body.

The people in conversation with me who are in a position to know all talk about it as if it's a normal sort of thing.

And, the hierarchs have organized the whole new Commission structure demanded by their proposed amendment to ARTICLE VII. As I hear it, the new Commissions are fully manned, uh, peopled, staffed. I believe they even have their chair people designated, but don't quote me on that...just ask the hierarchs at Conference on Saturday.

And, the hierarchs have now called the Conference together to ask you for permission to do what they've devoted hours to doing.

What if you say no?

What kind of a mess will that be? THE KIND OF MESS ONLY THE LORD CAN CLEAN UP.


Can't you see issues of honesty and integrity with this current group of reigning hierarchs?


I have two thoughts about what's going on on the ERC mountaintop.

1. This group of hierarchs merely did what ERC hierarchs have been doing for decades...

...i.e. behaving as if they're Popes and Bishops...

...not servants of the body of ERC elders...

...this time, though, they got caught in the middle of it. What they did is nothing new but it's always been wrong.

2. Things may really be changing in the ERC. Every time in the recent past, the ERC Ad Council has rubber stamped the hierarchs as if the hierarchs ARE the Popes and Bishops they act like. Then, the Conference in session says its bland, "Aye," and the scheme du jour becomes words on paper, and we all move on. But, the word I'm hearing now is that the Ad Council didn't rubber stamp.

Now, the hierarchs have been caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar.

They are asking you to let them do what they've already really done...

...and you can actually tell them that they can't do it.

How bizarre is this? Who could have written this script?


I have no idea if the Conference will approve the new New Strategic Plan. (I do know that the new New Strategic Plan won't transform the Conference.)

But, I also know that the Shepherd Mafia will, as I've said in the past, not go down without a fight.

But, it's long since past time that the Shepherd Mafia does go down.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick and minor correction: Apparently, the hierarchs have not dissolved the current Commissions. Some of the Commissions authorized by the current Constitution have, however, been allowed to cease functioning. Others, it seems are still operating.
