Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Has the ERC Shepherd Mafia stacked the Deck enough???

The best way I will have to speak into the conversation that leads to the ERC Conference in session decision to, or not to, implement the new New Strategic Plan at the January 13 Conference session...

...through the vote on the change to ARTICLE VII...

...is through posts I enter on this piddly, little blog.

Based on still unsubstantiated rumors, confirmed for me by people I know well and trust...

...(but whom I would never mention by name--for their protection from the Mafia)...

...the ERC hierarchs' challenge of my credentials in 2016 was successful...

...and, so, my voice, as a member of the Conference has been silenced...

...as have the voices of many other people who, over the years, connected the decay of the ERC to the way ERC leadership has been leading.

Most, of course, were not silenced as publicly and dramatically as was I.


So, the question is: Has the ERC Shepherd Mafia whacked enough people or, in other ways driven them from the Conference, so that they can have their way with the us, well you, one more time and get ARTICLE VII of the ERC Constitution amended?


The trick for the Shepherd Mafia is that they'll need two thirds of the vote to get that done.

This is, excuse the play on words, a strategic error the hierarchs usually don't make.

Their normal M. O. is to do things under the cover of darkness enough to be able to lay out their schemes to the Conference when they are all but a done deal. And, when the typical ERC delegate has felt, essentially, powerless to do anything but mumble, "Aye," when the vote is taken.

This is how they passed the 2015 old new Strategic Plan...

...which I said at the time would be a disaster and, has turned out to be one of the most putred stink bombs ever dropped on the ERC by its hierarchs.

A two thirds vote?

I don't know.

What I do know is that few people are enthusiastic about the new New Strategic Plan. And, many have questions they don't feel have been given good answers.

Some are dubious at best and cynical at worst because they know, or at least believe, that the same minds that concocted the old new Strategic Plan in 2015 are the geniuses who're trying to foist the 2017 new New Strategic Plan on...uh, you.

I know that some ERCers are concerned that there is no Scripture being used to support the new New Strategic Plan.


And, something else I heard from people who don't even find fault with the new New Strategic Plan, is their suspicion that the hierarchs have panicked and are pushing the plan through before the rest of the body can pass judgment on the plan in an intelligent way.

I've heard it hinted that the Conference should be meeting only so that the hierarchs can give information and answer questions without trying to force the body to make a decision on the crucial ARTICLE VII amendment.

My best guess, at this point, is that, if the rushed foisting of ARTICLE VII is voted down, it will be because too many people are feeling pressured and believing that there no reason to move as quickly as the hierarchs want to push them?


To answer the question in title of this post, yes. I think the Shepherd Mafia has stacked the deck enough...

...but, in the end, it may be the sense that they are panicking and becoming pushy that kills the foisting of the new ARTICLE VII on the Conference.

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