Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Thoughts About How Being Defrocked Changes My Daily Life

It shouldn't change much, really, as far as I can tell.

My employer won't care. I am well known there to be a Christian.

In our gatherings, no one, probably will ever find out and, if they should, they won't understand. And, I stopped functioning as a parish priest a long time ago.

I don't get any financial remuneration from following Jesus, so there is no issue there.

In one way, I've known for years that this might eventually happen.

Still there is a sense of shock.

And, I still don't know the specifics of what took place in the actual defrocking.


  1. Bill - I wish you would have been there yesterday. But, it's all water over the dam now. The good news is this: There is always the possibility for reconciliation. I am praying that you will be reconciled to the ERC to the extent that you hold credentials again some day. You have a lot to offer us via your education and experience. I hope that all who are reading this blog (or secretly peeping at it) will pray along with me to this end. -George C. Jensen

  2. George,

    I have two things to say in response to your kind and encouraging words:

    First, if you are feeling responsible in any way, please don't. I don't blame you in any way and I'm certain you are not the reason action was taken against me.

    Second, I hope you are correct that the possibility of reconciliation is present. I'll say now that I am open to that possibility and that I will participate in a conversation intended to achieve reconciliation. You should know though, if you don't know it already, that, at one point, Kevin attempted to initiate that sort of chat and the Standing Committee refused even to talk to me. I hope that you are right and that reconciliation is possible but I suspect that you are being optimistic.

    Blessings, bro, in the love of Jesus that compels us.

  3. Bill, I wholeheartedly second George's post; I hope our paths cross again in ministry in the CGGC. I greatly appreciated the many people who stepped forward to propose alternate routes, continue positive dialogue in this matter, and wrestle with some of the bigger questions this situation has identified. My prayer is that ultimately, as a conference and denomination, one day be able to set aside politics in order to pursue the way of Jesus and fulfill the mission of the Kingdom. Grace and peace, my brother.

  4. Wow, Travis. You are describing a much more complex dialogue over my defrocking than I was aware took place. And, more people interested in finding a way to preserve my status as ERC clergyman than I could have dreamed existed.
    I, too, hope our paths will cross in CGGC ministry.
    As to the issue of politics? I am clueless, as were other prophetic types like Elijah and Isaiah, John the Baptist, even Luther and Winebrenner. People obsessed with truth seem to be hopeless when it comes to working through the complexities of human interaction. My naïveté in such matters may be my defining trait in the CGGC as it exists today.
    I will continue to live in my calling as faithfully as I am able as long as I draw breath.
    Blessings, bro.
