Sunday, April 17, 2016

Fresh Expression 4-17-16

A very, very nice meeting today.

The crowd was small but the fellowship grooved.

A few things were noteworthy.

One is that my mom has been ill for the past few days so, as we were mentioning prayer concerns, Evelyn picked up her phone and called mom to check up on her. When the call ended, we all shouted, "Bye, mom!!!" Try that in your Sunday morning show!

We normally allow everyone who wants to pray out loud to do so. One of the guys from the home did that today, for the first time. This is the guy whom I call Bennie, the guy who has digestive issues and who has clogged up the toilet a few times. Bennie is mentally challenged and has the mind of about a five year old. But, he prayed compassionately and intelligently.

It's at times like hearing Bennie talk to the Lord in our gathering that I know that what we are doing has a spiritual validity no traditional Sunday morning show could touch.

Also, quite unusually, I played a leading role in our time in the Word and in the taking of the bread and cup.

And, I boiled the pasta for our spaghetti and meatballs meal.

Big day pour moi, eh?

I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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