Thursday, April 2, 2015

Why Do CGGC Leaders Play Fast and Loose with Truth?

It's a fact that the people I get to deal with who are CGGC mountaintoppers are high church, liturgical types. Ed Rosenberry is. Kevin Richardson, of the ERC, is.

It is the reality that Evangelicalism these days is fadding toward being high church. And, so, it stands to reason that CGGC mountaintoppers would be hopping on that bandwagon . Faddism is a characteristic of the CGGC brand, so I get that.

What I don't get is the CGGC mountaintoppers need to talk the opposite talk.

Guys! If you like dressing up in priestly finery, fine. If you want to wear seven pound crosses on chains around you neck and groove on the Holy Days of the Catholics' liturgical calendar, fine. Millions do. I, for one, disagree with you, along with many others. Still, we can have an honest, and passionate debate about church and discipleship and the Priesthood of all Believers.

But, in the CGGC, there is nothing to debate because the high church mountaintoppers talk a more radical primitivist, organic, low church church talk than even I do.

Even I would not have resurrected Winebrenner's "New Testament plan" phrase for a Mission Statement and even I, as I've said before, won't go so far as to agree to the Bible as my "only rule." It is the high church, Holy Day observing mountaintoppers who wrote that language in the CGGC.

Understand. It is the mountaintoppers who developed that language and fought for it and approved it.

I simply don't understand why they do that. Clearly, they don't live it. Clearly, they want to live something that is quite the opposite of their talk. So what possesses them to talk the talk they talk?

I honestly would love it if someone could explain this to me satisfactorily.

It is as if they NEED to be perceived to be hypocrites.

There is a boatload of cynicism toward the mountaintoppers across the CGGC. And, is it any wonder why?

Don't they understand that not living what you profess suggests a lack of integrity?

Don't they understand that people won't follow them if they themselves don't practice what they preach?

So, why do they do what they do?!?!!!


And, there's a companion question to go with that one: Why are they permitted to do it?

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