Monday, April 20, 2015

An ERC Prophetic Call (not by me)

Check out George Jensen on Facebook!

May the Lord bless you, George.

Truth matters.


  1. Due to the ERC focus of this issue, I sent this post out to a limited list, nevertheless, and in spite of the fact that ERCers had a long day yesterday, the post has been heavily read.

    I applaud George for his call to submission to truth.

    This is counter culture in the CGGC in the 21st century.

    Those who stand for truth have been having deaf ears turned to them for decades in the ERC for at least twenty years. But, George has a spot higher on the mountain than others have had. At least, until he stands boldly for truth.

    Sorry about this George, but I'm on your side. Nevertheless, keep the faith. Fight the good fight.

  2. I will add that I have thought for a long time that ERC Church Planting is the one place where theological bankruptcy reigns supreme far more than in any other part of the CGGC I encounter.

  3. Interesting. Very, VERY interesting.

    I'm not really proficient on Facebook and so there is a small chance that I'm in error about this, but it appears that George has removed his "prophetic moment" post.

    If that is, indeed, the case, I think it would have been more beneficial to the Body of Christ that he had, instead, offered an explanation for why he no longer stands behind the sentiments he expressed.

    At this point, I am in the dark about this. But, as you might imagine, I, of all CGGCers, take self-proclaimed prophetic moments very seriously.

    Has George changed his position on disciples providing wedding cakes for same sex weddings? Has he changed his position on same sex marriage?

    Has he been shepherd whacked?

    I dunno.

    Wassup, gang? George?

  4. Two thoughts about this at the moment:

    1. One thing I really appreciate about George is his willingness to attack the rampant talkism that has been core to ERC dysfunction for more than two decades. This, as I see it, continues the much needed ministry of Stan Cordell who demanded that we do what we officially say we do in terms of constitutional proclamations, etc.. This is food, old fashioned, NCD Functional Structures and it is much needed here.

    2. I think ERC leadership may soon begin to regret what it asked for as far as this church planting and reaching millennials. Stuart Delony is the kind of.person we will bring into the fold if we are serious but we also just prefer to cow tow to conservative, aging pew sitters on churches that pay their tithe. I doubt we can enable the sin of the latter and get along with prophetic millennials like Stuart. The mountaintoppers may have to begin to engage other prophetic voices in order to work this out. The Delonys of the world will be a challenge for our Shepherd Mafia.
