Monday, July 24, 2017

Reactions to My Scotland Campus Post

I entered the post about the Winebrenner Scotland campus now being defunct on a SATURDAY AFTERNOON at about 3:00, a terrible time to attract blog readers.

Because of that, I imagined that whomever it is that would read the post would find it on Monday.

However, very shortly after I published the post, a regular reader of the blog sent me a note, off the blog, informing me that he'd received the Brent eNews and, in addition, an email from the ERC containing a link to the eNews.

We exchanged a few notes about why I didn't get the eNews. I mentioned that, in recent years, I've missed some key CGGC emails, the first that I'm aware of being the time my name was dropped from the list inviting MLI alumni to a reunion. (I, of course, don't know how many others I haven't realized I didn't receive.)

All I know, in this instance, is that I didn't get the Scotland Campus eNews. I have no idea why.

Anyway, based on what I was hearing, I began to suspect that only I might have been dropped from the mailing list for the Brent eNews, though I couldn't imagine why.


Then, I checked my blog stats.

As soon as I published the post about the Winebrenner Scotland campus, that post drew an exceptionally high number of readers-- more than three times what I would have expected, even during a peak time of the week, more than nearly all of my 600 posts, period.


We exchanged a few emails about that. I don't know what to think.

Were others who read this blog not sent the Brent eNews? While I don't know everything about who reads this blog and am often surprised to hear about this person or that person who does, I suspect that many of my readers are on the outs with people on the CGGC, ERC and even WTS mountain peaks nearly as much as I am.

The blog reader chatting with me suggested that people saw that something came in from Winebrenner, or about Winebrenner, and assumed that it was merely another a plea for $$ and ignored it until they saw me describing the Scotland Campus of Winebrenner as being defunct.

I joked that, while people are uninspired by the eNews and think so little of ERC leaders that they don't even read what they send out, they are captivated by what I write.


Which part of that is the joke?

There is so much cynicism across the CGGC that a real problem on the mountaintop must be the desire to reach CGGC/ERC people who are now unreachable.

People either don't believe the mountaintoppers, doubt what they say, or worst of all, no longer care.

It may be that more people read my puny little blog post ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON than read that eNews or checked out the ERC link.


I have no idea what the explanation of the facts is. All I know is the facts.

I wasn't sent the Brent eNews. And, people consumed my post about it voraciously.

I'd love to know your theories.

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