Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Day that Began with Glory and Ended in Hell

Yesterday, July 11, was quite a day in which I wept tears of joy and, nearly, tears of despair--on the job.


The day began wonderfully.

Tuesday, on the job, is tough always. It's the shortest-handed day. And, this time I was scheduled to be in charge for my whole ten hours plus, because we have so few workers, do the job hands on a lot of the time as well.

Very early on the day, a woman went through the lane where I was running my register. Her items added up to $12.19. She had a can of Maxwell House coffee and a few related items. And, then, she couldn't find her debit card.

She was disoriented, which is not unusual very early in the day. Many people don't wake up well.

After a brief moment in which she couldn't find her card, I began to feel as that I should pay her bill. So, I got out my card and inserted it in the chip reader saying quietly, "I'll pay it for you."

Either she didn't hear me or didn't understand. She asked if I was going to pay and I paid while I answered.

She thanked me and, as people often do, let me a little further into her life.  She told me that her nephew had just died and she was taking the coffee to join the family as they gathered.

I expressed my sympathy and said, "I just want to show you God's love in a practical way."

And, she began to cry.

We finished the transaction and there were no other customers, or employees, nearby. So, I asked, "How did you nephew die?"


Something about that really hit me--probably because drug dependence has touched the lives of so many people I know--I began to tear up as well.

She told me that she had to drive into Lancaster which, at rush hour, can be hairy and she was concerned because she was having trouble focusing. I promised to pray for her and, later, when I had a free moment, I did.

By that time, another customer appeared. I said to my new friend, "Take care." And, I moved on.

A moment later, I felt something bump against the back of my left calf and I turned around. The woman was there and, when I turned, she hugged me. Then she left.


Not much after that, Evie texted and told me that mom's doctor had ordered mom to go the ER. The concern was that she had a broken hip.

As I've been writing, mom's health has been declining and I was deeply concerned.

I wanted to leave work to be with her but, on that day, there was no way I could leave the store.

And, the joy I'd been feeling from having a moment as an ambassador of the Kingdom of God was more than replaced.

I soon realized that I had to get myself in a position that I, the Kingdom ambassador, was not dealing with the public.

The remainder of the day was misery.


As it turns out, mom doesn't have a broken hip but they did find arthritis and suspect she has a muscle strain.

She is in a ton of pain and taking Vicodin plus extra Tylenol and Naproxen.

And, the pain continues.

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