Saturday, July 29, 2017

Lance's AMAZING 7/28/17 eNews: What to do about his Conflict with Dr. Richardson

You need to read Lance's latest!

Lance talks about a trend in the CGGC that he describes as "a sense of unsettledness and
discontent" that is increasing: a sense of fearfulness or restlessness.

He's referring to what, at least some in the CGGC think and feel about the decline of the CGGC.

I could write a month's worth of blog posts on what Lance has written.

Maybe I will.


Just a few comments for the moment.

At one point, Lance declares how "true repentance" will take place among us and, in doing so, he's getting very close to echoing me and what you read on this blog.

I need to say that Lance is getting very close to saying what I've been saying but, as I'm reading him, on one point, the difference between us is still deadly. I hope to have the opportunity to make that point later.


At this point, though, I'll compare Lance to the other highest-peak CGGC mountaintopper, Dr. Richardson, ERC E. D..

Lance is observing a sense of unsettledness and discontent, fearfulness, restlessness and he's considering what makes a repentance that is true.

He asks us to pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to agitate us.

Please do.

On the other hand, Dr. Richardson is saying, in effect,

"YAY GOD! Things are great in the ERC. Amazingly, churches are doing VBS and a church in revitalization has just remodeled its office and has written a constitution! Ain't things grand?"

These two CGGC titans are clashing.

There is extreme conflict between the messages they are preaching.

In fact, among the eagles nested on the two highest CGGC peaks, there could not be a greater conflict in vision.

Here's our deepest problem with this reality:

In a culture driven by shepherd values, it is natural to ignore conflict and hope we can all just get along.

But, if Lance is right about the need to achieve repentance that is true--and most of us know that time is running out and Lance is the one of the two who is correct--we can't afford to say, "Can't we all just all get along?"

We no longer have that luxury.

One of these two starkly different visions is going to have to be embraced and, and this is the life and death challenge in our shepherd-driven culture, the other is going to have to be despised, scorned and rejected...

...and, the person casting that vision is going to have to be dealt with, given the opportunity to repent and confess false vision and leadership sin, and be disciplined appropriately.

Since our early days, we've not had the commitment to principle to stand up against what is wrong. We need to make that commitment anew.

Only after there is repentance and turning and confession and, if possible, forgiveness, can this conflict be resolved.

If there is to be a future for the CGGC, we are going to have to stand for truth AND stand against error.

Repentance will need to begin with rejection of the hope that we can all just get along.

We must repent.

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