Some time late yesterday this blog received its 40 thousandth hit.
To me, that's stunning.
I have no idea if that's a large number in the blog universe, but, 40,000? That's roughly the population of the Holy City, Findlay, Ohio, ain't?
When I noted that fact, I looked back and skimmed this blog's first post.
I entered it four years and five days ago.
The post was rather lengthy and academic by the standards of what I write today.
Interestingly, while I probably didn't think in these terms at the time, it was a predictive prophecy...
...that General Conference staff's latest plan, to be unveiled at the 2013 General Conference sessions, but described in Ed's latest eNews, would fail..
...which, of course, as we all know now, it did.
In that post, I was very clear in detailing the reason for the failure.
Guess why I reasoned at the time that that carefully crafted plan would go bust.
Here's a hint: Apparently, nothing has changed on this blog.
The reason I predicted failure is that the plan didn't begin where Jesus and John the Baptist and the early apostles began. It didn't begin with REPENTANCE.
We all know, four years down the road, that I was correct in my first-ever blog prophecy. The truth is that, in four years, the predictive words of this blog have been accurate 100% of the time.
Of course, it's not I who's responsible for that accuracy.
I have given myself to life in what I believe to be my calling.
Evidence that it is my calling can be found in the posts on this blog.
Much has happened to me, at the hand of CGGC mountaintoppers, in these four years. My ministerial credentials have been challenged. The congregation I serve has been expelled from the CGGC.
Yet, as Lance unwittingly noted in the last eNews, the words I have believed to be from the Lord have accurately foretold the truth that the Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing would not bless the plans of the CGGC hierarchs.
To the point that Lance wrote to us on Friday about what "true" repentance is.
Some time ago, as I prayed about the significance of my calling and ministry among the people of the CGGC, I received the assurance that my gift and and ministry is, first and foremost, "a testimony against them."
Skim over these posts and you will see just that.
Fads have been embraced by the mountaintoppers. Plans--even Strategic Plans--have been devised and this blog has accurately described and foretold their futility and most importantly, the core spiritual truth that, saying it yet again, the Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing is not blessing.
This blog stands as a testimony against them.
I love the CGGC as much as I did four years and a few days ago when I clicked "Publish" for my first blog post.
And, the Lord's call to the hierarchs and the people of the CGGC is precisely what it was then:
We must repent.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, what the CGGC has lost sight of and touch with is that it is not the title of Pastor that makes the man. It's the man who makes the title of Pastor, by not just his words and services, but by how he interacts with all those people who cross his path, whether they are part of his Gathering, or not. I have often told people that after having had to endure so very many different "faiths" being rammed down my throat, and having a completely confusing and disrupting childhood and adolescence, YOU are the ONE man I have "followed" in any sort of a spiritual or religious kind of a way because you are the only religious leader of any kind I have ever met that lives what he preaches, and truly so. Keep up the good work. When the CGGC remembers what Christ had to say about tolerance and acceptance, perhaps they will see the error of their ways.