Friday, July 28, 2017

Another YAY GOD VIDEO from Dr. Richardson

I've now watched this week's eNews video three times.

Just a few observations:

I couldn't bring myself to count the number of times Kevin spoke the words pastor, pastors, church and churches. Those words filled the video.

Kevin highlighted a successful revitalization project in the ERC. I want to be careful not to disparage what is happening in that ministry. However, I was struck by the fact that, for Kevin, signs of revitalization are a remodeled church office and a newly written constitution.

The words Jesus Christ were not spoken in the video.

Neither were the words Kingdom of God.

In my opinion, these YAY GOD videos are a mistake. Why change if so much that is good is already going on in the ERC?
John Winebrenner was renowned for designating a "mourners' bench" in services when he preached.
The Word says that the Lord will not despise a broken spirit or a broken and contrite heart.
Paul says that godly sorrow produces a repentance that leads to salvation.
Jesus and John the Baptist regularly challenged the religious of their day--to the point that both, of course, were put to death.
I wonder if Kevin really believes in the need for change. He's so dern in love with the status quo.

I do appreciate Kevin's honesty in giving us his take on the state of the ERC union. He's making it clear to us what it is that he values.

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