Recently, in an email exchange, an ERC mountaintopper asserted that I am, using my term, in deep doodoo with the Conference because of my criticism of leadership.
I responded by saying what I have said a few times here:
I don't ever criticize leadership.
The CGGC is, to use the theological term, Presbyterial, that is, it is a body in which the highest earthly authority is the Conference--as our founders called it, the Eldership.
The CGGC truth is that its greatest earthly authority is found, not in any Executive Director or Council or Commission or headquarters building, but in the actions and declarations of the General Conference in session. After that, in my ERC for instance, the second greatest authority is found in the actions of the ERC in Conference session.
When I appear to be critical of Kevin Richardson or of Lance or or even an Ad Council, it is because I, a credentialed elder in the body, am exercising my obligation, as an elder, to promote and defend the authority of the Conference, the Eldership.
And, that is all I ever do. And, as the Lord gives me strength, I will always do it.
What I say next is not about Kevin Richardson. It is about the integrity of the whole CGGC and the authority of the Eldership.
As an elder in the CGGC, I am appalled by Kevin Richardson's recent justification of ERC leadership's decision to create a new Strategic Plan.
In the most recent General Conference, our highest earthly authority, in session updated WE BELIEVE and created a Statement of Faith both of which speak of the Bible as our "only rule," to quote the Statement of Faith precisely, of faith and practice. Kevin was a writer of WE BELIEVE and a delegate to General Conference.
The words of WE BELIEVE and the Statement of Faith are strong and absolute words. They are radical. Our General Conference chose them. They, therefore, have authority over the CGGC body. No one forced the General Conference to adopt so radical a position on biblical authority.
But it chose them. And, now all of us--ALL OF US--are bound to submit to them.
"Only rule of...practice." Those words don't really leave any wiggle room.
I myself am nothing more than a member of the CGGC Eldership who accepts the authority of the earthly body which I pledged to serve.
As a member of the Eldership, Kevin Richardson stuns and offends me. To justify the creation of the new Strategic Plan he says this:
You can't find the words (strategic plan) in the Bible and even the concept seems foreign to Scripture. Yet, in our hearts we know the benefits of good planning.
"Only rule," Kevin. Highest earthly authority.
Can you imagine how John Winebrenner would have responded if an elder in his day had written those word!!!???
Forget Winebrenner.
Kevin's words defy the 2013 proclamation of WE BELIEVE and Statement of Faith. They are insubordinent to the authority of the General Conference.
I'm not criticizing Kevin personally. I continue to have a great amount of affection for him in spite of everything.
But, I am defending the Eldership--the integrity and authority of the CGGC.
If we cared about truth, Kevin would be in trouble.
The Lord will not bless this.
There must serious repentance in our body.
As much as I am chagrined by Kevin setting aside the authority of the Word, I may equally befuddled by his assertion that we all know the benefits of good planning.
ReplyDeleteIn my life of submission to Christ's authority, I don't know the benefits of good planning.
And, I will add, neither did Abraham. Neither did Joseph or Moses or Paul. Waiting on the Lord to reveal His plan was more than enough for them.
It will do for me, too.
The Lord will never bless this.
We must repent.