Sunday, October 30, 2016

Another ERC Strategic Plan! Can You Believe it?

That word came down from the mountain top recently.

I could write a tome against it, and perhaps I will.

For now, I'll point out that it was just in 2015, LAST YEAR, that the ERC approved the last Strategic Plan. Can those of you in the ERC remember the enthusiasm for it spoken by the mountaintoppers when they sold it to you? JUST LAST YEAR?

And, I will add that I reviewed this blog from that time last year.  I was passionately critical of the, now old, Strategic Plan and predicted, last year, that it would come to nothing.

Shall we count that another prophecy about the CGGC/ERC on this blog fulfilled.

We must repent.


  1. If I'm counting correctly, this will be the ERC's third Strategic Plan. In the wake of the first one, the rate of its decline, if anything, increased. Clearly, the one that we've been following for this past year, has not reversed our fortunes. It brings to mind Einstein's definition of insanity.

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