Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Comment on the 10/14/16 eNews

If you haven't read it yet, Lance suggests churches set up programs and strategies that will present a welcoming image to people who might attend.

One of his suggestions is of the 21st century, i.e., to have an attractive, informative and up to date web site.  The others are from the 90s' failed 35,000 by 2000 program.

All of them amount to creating a skeleton that suggests that a church is welcoming.

My comment, which the administrator published, hits a theme that I began to scream at the CGGC in the days of Brian Miller's blog, which is that our real problem has nothing to do with the skeleton, or with programs and strategies, it is a matter of heart.

Our problem is that our people don't obey the love your neighbor as yourself command.

Our problem is that our leadership has been preaching, for years, that people attend church to consume religious products and services provided by clergy and staff, that our people attend church to BE loved, not to love and to be served, not to serve. And, our people are entrenched in that cheap grace Gospel.

Our problem is with leadership and its preaching of a false Gospel.

We can do what Lance suggests but if we don't repent of the false truth we embrace and if there is no change in our hearts we can have award winning web sites and perfect welcoming strategies and still produce no benefit for the Kingdom.

Nothing has changed.

We must repent.

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