I used to be a politics junkie who followed election intrigue as if it were a sport.
Part of my repentance in recent years has been to leave all of that behind.
Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world and so I don't pour my own self into this world in the way I once did.
On the other hand, it is my belief that when He said that we should give to Caesar what's Caesar's, for disciples of Jesus in a republic, voting responsibly is a necessity. So, I followed the political season and voted.
In my job I literally talk to hundreds of people every day and it stuns me how candid people often are in those conversations. I suppose that I've had hundreds of brief chats about the election over this long political season and the conversation continues.
By far, the prevailing sentiment this time around has been that people disliked both of the major candidates.
When there was passion for one of them, in my experience, it was exclusively for Trump, never Hillary. But most people were voting for the candidate they despised less.
Living in Pennsylvania, most who planned to vote for Trump expected to lose the vote in this state due to the efforts of the Philadelphia machine to produce a majority for Hillary. It is certain that 100% of dead voters in Philadelphia voted straight Democrat.
It was a real stunner that Trump prevailed here. He campaigned hard in this part of the state, holding about half a dozen well-attended rallies which produced a huge turnout on election day. Our wait at the polls was our longest ever by far.
Here in Pennsylvania and across the country, it was a surprisingly good day for the GOP.
Donald Trump is not a Reagan conservative and most GOPs in Congress are. Who knows what will happen in the months to come?
Were I still a politics junkie I'd be ecstatic.
That's the political news from Lake Wobegon, PA, "where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking and all the children are above average."
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