Friday, November 4, 2016


I'm convinced that I need to add a new characteristic to my description of the CGGC brand.

The end of the era of the Old Testament Judges was a dark time for Israel. The Word describes that as a time when "everyone did what was right in his own eyes."


I have noted that a characteristic that defines the CGGC identity is cynicism. By that I mean that mountaintoppers behave as if they have limitless authority and that many of the clergy and most congregations simply ignore leadership out of unabashed cynicism.

For many years I've heard the pastors and people of the CGGC say that they don't care what leadership says we believe or how it describes our mission or vision or strategic plans because, they say, "We do what we believe is right no matter what 'they' say or do."

And, for all those years I've seen CGGC mountaintoppers spin their statements of belief and vision and mission and devising their plans without making serious effort to extend those thoughts and plans to the entire CGGC body. In that way, mountaintoppers practice their own kind of "in-our-own-eyesism."

This dynamic seems to me to extend to the very core of the CGGC identity.  It seems to me to be a characteristic of the CGGC brand.


What's wrong with this way of thinking?

Many things are profoundly wrong with it but, among people who think of themselves as disciples of Jesus, it spits in the face of Jesus commanding all who call Him Lord, "Love one another as I have loved you."

In one word, this "own-eyesism" is an actual sin.

As long as we practice it and fail to repent of it, the Lord will not bless us.

We must repent.


FYI, I'd place it as item 11, immediately after Cynicism.

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