Thursday, November 9, 2017

I Have Four Copies of C. H. Forney's, THE CHRISTIAN ORDINANCES

Three were given to me by Harvey Gossard, from his personal library, when we were both on staff at Winebrenner. One, never used and is in mint condition, I picked it up from the General Conference office many years ago.

This is not Forney's much more important, 1906, THE PHILOSOPHIC BASIS OF THE ORDINANCES, from which the current, and unique, CGGC position on the ordinances is based.

Harvey's three copies were once in the Findlay College and, later, WTS libraries. They had been donated by the estates of:

T. M. Funk,
D. M. Bare, and,
George Sigler.

You may be familiar with one or more of those names.

The books are marked as Withdrawn from the library collection.

The books from Harvey's library are all in good condition at least.

This is a hard bound book.

And, historically speaking, this book by Forney is important because it gives a picture of the Church of God as it decides how to continue in its own primitivist vision in the face of the emergence of the the Holiness and Pentecostal movements and their primitivist energies.

I don't need four copies of the book.

If you'd like to engage me in conversation to propose that one of these copies become your own, you can write to me and I'll gladly consider you as a candidate.

I'll respond to requests both on and off the blog.

Blessings to all who find inspiration in the history of our movement.


  1. My apology for myself: Beside yourself, I'm the only one that I know of who has an active desire to bring our past to bear on our future in a substantial way.

    I'm quite hopeful that's not the case and there are several others who are more interested than just a record of where we have been.

    Hopefully, the response to this post will show that to be the case.

    1. Dan,

      I know you have a passion to connect our Spirit-empowered past to the future and I'm thankful that you share my yearning.

      Perhaps your wish will come true and others will express that desire through this post.

      Would you like to be considered on the list of potential adopters of one of the books? Or perhaps, you already have a copy?

    2. I do not have a copy and would at least like to read it.

      Put me at the end of the list. ;-)
