Thursday, November 16, 2017

Evidence that Supports My FECES Theory

Yesterday I suggested that one of the dysfunctions of the CGGC is that there are people in the body who, if leadership pooped and placed their work product on a platter, would exclaim, "Ain't that purty?!"...

...all because the CGGC is so dominated by shepherd values that only relationship matters.

I've received some, say, fascinated, tepid disagreement on that observation, off the blog.

But, I'm all the more convinced that the Feces Theory describes a key dysfunction of the CGGC that must be turned from if we, as a body, are going to have Kingdom impact in the future, as we did in past days when we were a thriving Spirit-empowered movement.

As a prophet, I see reality from a big-picture, 40,000 foot perspective. Here's what I see from way up there, and, I'll focus on the ERC with which I am most involved and familiar:

Since I entered the Conference more than 40 years ago, Conference leadership has been aware of the Conference's spiritual and numerical decline and has been developing programs and strategies to reverse the decline.

Yet, during all those decades, the rate both of spiritual and numerical decline has increased to the point that the tone of the current hierarchs, in promoting the new New Strategic Plan...

...can't we all agree...

... is desperate?!

Read the PDF if you doubt that.

History makes it clear that all of those programs and strategies, designed to reverse our decline were...

...Feces on a platter.

And, with every initiative, in the past...every last one of them...there has been a chorus of prominent people in the Conference prepared to sing, in four part harmony, "Ain't that purty!"

Every stinkin idea that has come down from the mountaintop in recent decades has failed. Everyone of them has been quickly abandoned, or conveniently forgotten, and replaced as the platter was reloaded with the next pile of crap...

...which was, of course, received the obligatory, and enthusiastic, chorus of praise.


As an example, consider the much ballyhooed 2015 old New Strategic Plan.

It was presented to the ERC Conference in session with great fanfare and, I'm told, unanimously approved...

...the chorus, as always, sang its praises in harmony...

...only to see the old New Strategic Plan unceremoniously dumped within a year as mere "words on a page."


Is it any wonder that there are so many Apathetics, Cynics and, thank God, now, Skeptics, in the Conference!?!!

On this blog, people who are sincerely and genuinely unconvinced by the 2017 new New Strategic Plan have been called, "Snipers."

Yet, if history holds, this plan will soon be acknowledged to have been a load of crap.

What can possibly be wrong about being initially careful about taking a full whiff of what's on the loaded-up platter that is the 2017 new New Strategic Plan?

History, it seems, demands a high degree of caution.

We must repent.

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