Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Feces on a Platter?


The image that is at the center of this post came to me out of nowhere and has stuck in my mind and it has the feel, to me, of a tame version of Isaiah's vivid prophetic image that appears in Isaiah 20.


Probably the most destructive characteristic of the dysfunction of the Churches of God, General Conference derives from the reality that, in the church body, relationship rules.

Shepherd values dominate the CGGC's dysfunction.

We pervert the fierce, passionate, sacrificial love Jesus commanded and lived. We live in a festering pool of bland and lukewarm tolerance.

We judge others based on the degree to which they comply with what denominational leaders do...

...because, in the CGGC universe, mild acceptance to the whims and ways of leaders is valued.


I am convinced that, if the hierarchs of the ERC had pooped and arranged their work product on a silver platter, there are some in the ERC who would examine it and exclaim, "Wow! Ain't that purty?!"


And, in truth, it's from that paradigm, as far as I can tell, that the people who are defending the new New Strategic Plan are defending it.

Understand, at this point, I'm not saying that the new New Strategic Plan is feces on a platter.

What I'm saying is that the strongest argument for it is that it's our leaders' work and we should support them...

I know for a fact that there are people who love the Conference who are thinking theologically about the new New Strategic Plan and are deeply concerned and are raising profound questions, perhaps even objections...

...and the most meaningful reply I'm aware of to their concerns is,... the defenders set their jaws,...



This plan is all about churches, pastors and hierarchical leaders...

...and none of that stuff is anywhere to be found in what Jesus did or taught.

It's time to openly assess the content of the new New Strategic Plan based.

We must repent.

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