Sunday, August 7, 2016

Organized Hypocrisy: A Report to My Commission

One of my Characteristics of the CGGC Brand is Organized Hypocrisy.  This is a truth about the CGGC that I recognized from the time I began to describe the CGGC brand, though I have always had trouble deciding how to describe this truth about us.  I originally called this reality Incoherence but I abandoned that word because the word incoherence is so uncommon.

What I am saying about the CGGC is that there is conflict among the things we say about ourselves and between what we say about ourselves and what we do.

That truth about us has come to bite me in the derriere in the ERC's effort to defrock me and in the design of the Commission on Church Renewal that may depants Faith Community as an ERC congregation.


The truth is that the CGGC talks an extremely radical talk but walks a tradition-bound walk.


And, I, and the people who are a part of Faith Community, have been and are being brutalized by the hypocrisy.

We are fiercely loyal to living the official and radical CGGC talk and are suffering at the hands of denominational bureaucrats who lead the tradition-bound walk.

The email I received from the representative of the Commission says that they have designed their program through which they may depants Faith Community "to remain loyal to our polity."  Apparently, our polity demands that Faith be led by a pastor. (Show me that in the Word, where the idea of a congregational pastor is absent.)

And this is where the Intentional Hypocrisy comes into play.  It may well be that CGGC polity permits the Commission to depants Faith.

But, there is no congregation in the CGGC living out the CGGC doctrine that the Bible is our only rule of Faith and Practice carefully than we.  And, there is no congregation living out the Mission to establish churches on the New Testament plan more passionately than we, nor is there a congregation more devoted to the CGGC Vision Statement than the people of Faith Community.


And, that is where a very serious problem exists.

There is an absolute contradiction among the things the CGGC says about itself and, certainly, there is contradiction between its radical talk and the tradition-bound walk of the Commission on Church Renewal.

At this point, I believe that it is we who are being true to the CGGC and it is they who are in error.   I am convinced that I am correct!

My guess, though, is that they will behave brutally in a way that defies CGGC doctrine and its Mission and Vision Statements and, through an act of ecclesiastical thuggery, depants us.

But, I will remain adamant.


BTW,  I have asked the Commission representative to describe to me the biblical basis for the Commission’s action. I have received no reply to this point.


  1. Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity. See the link below for more info.


  2. One more comment about CGGC Organized Hypocrisy:

    I would have voted against WE BELIEVE in 2013 if I had been a delegate to General Conference because I would have been certain that we would not practice its preaching about the authority of the Word over what we do. And, as is clear now, I would have been right.

    We are not being blessed. And, I'm convinced that our dishonesty about ourselves is connected to how the Lord is behaving toward us.

    We must repent.
