Friday, December 14, 2018

Who's Missing from the CONTAGIOUS Conversation?

The other day it struck me how deafening is the roar of silence across the CGGC.

Who's Missing from the CGGC Conversation?

Nearly everyone.

And, among those whom we designate as leaders? On the repentance blog?

Absolutely everyone!

If you've even glanced at the new, heavily, in CGGC terms, promoted new CONTAGIOUS blog,...

...have you noticed?

No one with a CGGC or regional leadership title has come down with the contagion. The silence among people in CGGC leadership is thunderous.

Lance sticks his eNewses in a separate category of the blog.

Michael Martin puts what is, essentially, missional CGGC press releases in the Hands and Feet category...which is actually interesting, to me at least.

But, no one...not Lance nor any Regional Director or staff person nor any important General Conference or any important Regional Commission Chair...

...has contributed to the call for, and conversation about...


That is fact.


What does the fact reveal about the CGGC as 2018 turns into 2019?

I'd love comments that suggest what the fact signifies.

And, I suspect that I'll get some off-the-blog...and, that's fine.

Here are some of my thoughts which fit the facts. Maybe I'm off base:

1. The name of the blog, CONTAGIOUS, is becoming a testimony against us. Against leadership and against the CGGC community. Whatever it is that is contagious in the CGGC world is not a good thing to have.

2. The lack of participation in the blog testifies to the extent of ungodly, unloving cynicism across the CGGC.

3. General Conference leadership is, what?, isolated?, insulated? from the rest of the body.

4. The story of the blog is that there is no community, there is no cooperation, no collaboration among General Conference and Regional leaders.

5. The lack of participation in the blog says to me that there is little to no followership among the people of the CGGC.

Please feel free to correct me where you think I'm off base. Feel free to add to the conversation.

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