Friday, October 13, 2017

Two Jesus Essentials Absent from the ERC Strategic Plan

I am wondering, again, if ERC hierarchs even read the New Testament.

I was reading over a recounting of one of the Town Hall meetings I received and, I'm stunned by how, well, anti-Jesus and theologically corrupt the plan is.

Here are two principles that were foundational to Jesus missing, or even opposed, by the new New Strategic Plan:

1. The Kingdom of God.

According to the Gospels, the central message of Jesus was that the time had come the KINGDOM OF GOD was near and that the appropriate response to those realities was for people to repent and believe the Good News.

I've read a lot of and about the new New Strategic Plan and I've not heard a word about the Kingdom.

I hear about healthy life giving churches but nothing about the thing that stood as the center of the focus of Jesus, the Kingdom of God.

One of the deadly sins of the CGGC in recent decades has been "Ecclesiolatry," the sin of worshiping the church, not the Lord of the church.

The new New Strategic Plan embraces that sin.

2. Servanthood.

Jesus said that to be great in the Kingdom is to be a servant and to be the greatest is to be the slave of all. For, as Jesus said it, even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.

Yet, the new New Strategic Plan is about churches being LED by healthy, life giving pastors guided by healthy life giving (Conference) leadership.

Jesus must be weeping buckets of tears as He sits at the right hand of God.

In a kingdom there is only one leader: the King!


There is no way the Holy Spirit will empower and bless this plan.

It disregards, even opposes what was the core of the ministry and teaching of Jesus.

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