Friday, October 6, 2017

Suspending the ERC Constitution? Getting a Lawyer to file an Injunction?

I've received a couple of reports that suggest to me that ERC hierarchs are planning to usurp their authority in what is, to me, a horrifying way in implementing the new New Strategic Plan.

Integral to the new strategic plan is the revamping of the conference's commission structure.

The conference's commission structure is written into the conference's Constitution. And, the Constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds vote of the delegates to the conference in session.

Nevertheless, the word I'm receiving is that the membership of the new commissions is already being formed. And, that the plan is that the Ad Council will approve the new strategic plan next month and that the new strategic plan will be implemented in January.

This defies in every way the authority of the eldership of the conference. And I'm wondering if anyone cares. And, how much money it would take to get a lawyer to file an injunction against the implementation of this new strategic plan. Clearly, based on the little knowledge I have of the law, the conference's action would be dead.

The fruit of what the ERC hierarchs are doing suggests that they have no respect at all for the rules that guide us and particularly and specifically are intended to guide them.

They may seem like a sweet, gentle, nice guys. But they know how to act like dictators.

If the current President of the United States attempted to set aside the Constitution in the way these guys are, he would be run out of town in an instant!

Pay attention, people.

We live in a church community defined by the rules that we set for all of us, including the hierarchs. The Lord will not bless what these guys are attempting to do.


  1. I am disappointed that Susan seems to have accepted this post as true seemingly without investigating. But if we have No Creed but the Bible what is the place of a constitution anyway?

    1. Why doesn't anyone use their name here?

      I'll let Susan speak for herself.

      And, of course, Winebrenner would hurl all over our hierarchs if he'd see how they've institutionalized the movement.

      Also, I'm only reporting what I'm hearing...

      ...unanimously, by the way...

      ...and from people a fair piece up the ERC mountain.

      If the mountaintoppers don't reorganize the Commissions before the Eldership approves I'll be surprised.

      But, I'll, personally, be pleased.

    2. If you have heard what I have said then you know it is not unanimous. Or perhaps I didn't make myself clear on this issue so to add a dissenting vote--There is not a move to abrogate the constitution or do an end around. In fact I asked about the process at the First Q & A. Apparently none of your sources were there or they would have heard the same answer which did not support suspending the constitution or ignoring it.

      Did any of your sources actually ask the question or did they just assume the process implied something sinister? I say again, if your sources were at these meetings and sat on their attitudes without opening their mouths they missed an opportunity for dialogue. But it is easier to snipe in private. Maybe I should just start calling your informants snipers.

  2. Lew,

    I don't think I can count you in the vote.

    You don't converse with me. You argue with me, or, perhaps scream at me.

    You are Archie to my Meathead.

    Two people in CONVERSATION with me tell me that their understanding is for the plan to be implemented in January, before and without the calling of Conference sessions to receive the necessary approval from the Conference in session.

    One of them was at a meeting in which the question of the Constitution was raised. I don't know if s/he is the person who raised the issue.

    But, I know someone who's been invited to be a member of a Commission not currently authorized by the Constitution.

    That invitation is, in effect, already abrogating the Constitution.
