Friday, October 6, 2017

ERC is Searching for a New Executive Director

From multiple sources, I just received a copy of Dr. Richardson's note announcing that the ERC Ad Council has decided to begin to search for a new Executive Director.


I've said many times that I love Kevin and that I still, after all that has been done to me AND TO THE PEOPLE IN MINISTRY WITH ME HERE AT FAITH, under his leadership and with his approval and, even, through his direct action...

...I still like him.

And, it's not difficult for me to forgive him.



You'll recall how vehemently I advocated for you when you sought the E. D. position. At the time, as I've said, I saw apostolic potential in you which never bore fruit.

Now, in my opinion, the ERC needs a prophet and forerunner to prepare the way for an apostle.

Evie and I wish you well as you seek the Lord's will for your future.

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