Friday, March 24, 2017

What's Right Here at Faith

A few days ago, I published a thread here in which I reflected on what doesn't please me about myself and the fruit my ministry has produced here at Faith.

I created that thread only five days ago.

Beginning the very next day, I became aware of two things going on in our community that make my heart sing.

Neither of them were initiated by me. I became involved in one of them only when it became prudent that I, at least, chime in. The second is going on without me at all.

One conviction that drives me is that the Sheep and Goats prophecy of Jesus found in Matthew 25 is in the future of everyone.

I teach our people to keep in mind the actions Jesus warns that He will consider on that Day and, most importantly, that He promises to judge based on what we do among the "least of these."

Two new ministries among the least of these have been begun, by our people, in recent days and I'm little more than a bystander in both.



...we have a couple thousand dollars left in our checking account since we stopped taking an offering.  To this point, we've given what remained to people in the least of these category, according to the actions Jesus highlights.

In the past few days, some of our people have come to know of a man, 50ish in age, with severe health problems, undergoing medical treatment, who can't afford to stay in his home for even one month without financial assistance. He's been helped by friends and family to this point, and their resources have been stretched beyond their ability to keep up.

Before I even heard about the circumstances, our people had decided to use ALL the money we still have to help him.

Then, the story was told to me.

Of course, I approved.

"I was sick and you looked after me."



I discovered that, without Evie and me even knowing, one of our women had invited a stranger to live in her home because that woman was sleeping in her car.

"I was a stranger and you invited me in."

Our friend is struggling now with the question we've been asking for some time, about when showing mercy and loving becomes enabling sin. And, we are struggling with her in community.


A weakness in what I teach is that churches are not addressed in the Judgment, we, as individuals, will be.

Obviously, that weakness is also our strength.

Our people are living as disciples on their own.

They have been provoked to love and good works by what happens when we do gather.

Praise God.

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