Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What I'd do about the Santa Claus-Christ in Christmas Thing if I had Kids

I don't have kids so I know this is easy for me to say. But...


I would encourage the Santa thing to the hilt and tell them this about Jesus: "No one knows when Jesus's birthday was. Some people choose this time of the year to celebrate that He came into the world but we don't make a big deal out of his birth because we care more about the life He lived later, the truths he taught us and the fact that He died to save us and that he rose from the dead."


As I've said, the nativity of Jesus is never even mentioned in the Bible after the beginning of the Gospel of Luke while the crucifixion and resurrection are and Christmas didn't become a big holiday until it was commercialized into Xmas.


I say, "Let your kids enjoy Xmas without confusing them by trying to fuse the Xmas/Christmas thing."

Xmas is a blast and there's nothing biblical about Christmas.

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