Friday, January 30, 2015

How's This for Evidence of the CGGC's Comfortable Instiutionalism?

This is merely one sentence which fits the flow of Ed's latest eNews.  Kyrie eleison.
Because Winebrenner Seminary is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Churches of God, General Conference, the Administrative Council also needed to approve the MOU and subsequent property transfer.
Wholly owned subsidiary, eh?

We need to get out of the wholly owned subsidiary business!

What a missional movement we are, eh?!


  1. Another eNews note:

    Did you catch that Ed is no longer including the notice about the search for the next CEO?

  2. My point in my quote from eNews, which is actually rare for me, is that the CGGC is, and has been, run on as a corporation to so large an extent that we have wholly owned subsidiaries.

    Ed and the gang could have used this challenge to decide that we are going to repent of the business thing and give our hearts to following the Lord in working to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

    Clearly, though, that is not the heart of our current leadership regime.

    We already knew that, though, when they announced that they were searching for another CEO to replace Ed.

    My friends, this is wrong.

    When we say that the Bible is our only rule, we are lying to ourselves, to each other, to the world and, most dangerously, to God.

    Will anyone join me in demanding that the people who make decisions for all of us repent?!?!?!!!
