Thursday, January 22, 2015

Amazing and Timely Wisdom on the Issue of Leadership


It is my opinion that the greatest wisdom I have ever published on this blog or walt's old Forum or Brian's Emerging CGGC Blog has been from other people, usually copied from emails they have sent me privately.

As I pointed out recently, Ed has wondered to me why no other godly people have a message similar to mine.  And, as I mentioned then, I wonder what universe Ed resides in.

Below you will find an email sent to me recently by a member of the ERC clergy commenting on a seminar planned by the Conference for the coming weekend which Kevin has been promoting rather aggressively lately.  If you are of the ERC, you know what of I speak.  For those of you who are not, the seminar has been dubbed, Leadership Wars.

As is usual, the only editing I have done is for the purpose of preserving the anonymity of the author who is capable of revealing himself if he is inclined to.


(Are) there really leadership wars in the church? It seems to me what we need to combat these wars is a good old-fashioned dose of What Jesus Said. 
I think repentance is the only answer to leadership wars. 
If I called the Conference and said, “Hey I have a leadership war,” I’d resign right after I made the call.  Confession and repentance is the only seminar these people at war need.   
It’s getting downright scary out there!
Recently I had a misunderstanding with one of my key leaders over . . ..
The first thing I did was contact him and tell him if I was wrong I ask for forgiveness. Secondly I told him I will not go any further. . .until our relationship is restored. It was (restored), and we went on. We both learned something about repentance.
My one elder got wind of what went on and I told him the story. Sunday we had communion and the elder went to this man and asked if he had wronged him in any way. The man said, "No, it’s me," elder said if there is something between us I will not take communion. The fellow assured him everything was okay and that they both could take communion.
Recently, we had a reorganizational meeting at a local restaurant. It was very relaxed and informal. The waitress was a jolly girl and when she brought our food my elder took her hand and said pray with us. she did, and I did pray and we had a wonderful meeting. God was honored through it all.   
I just can’t believe we are advertising a seminar on leadership wars sharing ideas around a table. Why not pray for each other around a table and forget the war.
See what I mean about where the real wisdom comes from among the things I publish?! 
I told this guy that I had been trying to put together comments on this unbiblical Leadership Development fad fiasco--so much the rage these days in Findlay and Harrisburg--for a year and that he had said it better than I ever would be able to.
BTW,below is part of my reply to my wise Jesus-obeying, Gospel-living servant friend:

I think this Leadership Development stuff is a grievous sin.  In a kingdom, the only leader is the king.  Does anyone (in the ERC) remember what Jesus said about great in the kingdom?

We need servant/slave wars.  Not leadership wars. 

May God have mercy on their well-intentioned, blasphemous souls.



  1. As long as I'm signed in I might as well leave another comment. :)

    I really don't know what to even say to this, though, because this is the first time I have ever heard the term "leadership wars." I haven't a clue what it means and apparently my imagination is so limited... I can't even venture a guess. Perhaps I am more out of touch with things cggc than I thought. Hmm...

  2. I sent you an email promoting it but I think it would be quite a drive and we're expecting snow. ; )

  3. Wow. I thought you were joking, but this is for real. Um. Wow. I'm sorry. Perhaps it's a valid thing, but it is worded really... awkwardly. Again, I'm sorry. Whew. Give me a bar stool any day over this sort of thing. Ugh.

  4. What I would love to know is what truths Jesus modeled and taught were highlighted on Saturday. From what I hear these days, most of what stands for so-called leadership in the CGGC today comes either from the Vatican in previous centuries and from Ivy League MBA programs.
