Sunday, January 4, 2015

Gathering 1-4-15

Undoubtedly the most encouraging gathering of disciples I have ever experienced.

One practice that has developed for us out of following the "everyone has a hymn" pattern in the Word is the spontaneous discussion of truths contained in the lyrics of what we sing.

Today discussion came from singing TRUST AND OBEY and HOW DEEP THE FATHER'S LOVE FOR US. (What an ecclectic combination, eh?)

Wonderful devotional moments!

Apart from that, last week my awesome wife suggested that to continue our celebration of the truth that the Word became flesh, that everyone come prepared to mention something Jesus did in the flesh that inspires them.

What an amazing idea.

We decided to allow the responses to be a series that will go on as long as it lasts. We only started the first one today and agreed to continue it next week. It was from a guy who rarely speaks in front of two or more people. He mentioned the story of the widow who put two small coins in temple treasury. Emphasis in the discussion centered on how to live out the truth in the story.

As is normal, Word time lasted longer than your sermon and everyone was on the edge of his/her seat at the end.

One key element of our gatherings is that they spur us on to love and good works. This one did.

1 comment:

  1. Okay. Maybe I was caught up in the emotion of the moment. Perhaps it wasn't the most encouraging gathering of my entire life. It may well have been. It certainly ranks way, way up there.

    How many have I attended in my six decades?

    What is so stunning to me is that the gatherings are amazing but also not the end game. They are not understood to be an act of righteousness but preparation for acts of righteousness yet to come.

    And, we are becoming counter culture in the CGGC. We are beginning organically not only to talk but also walk a biblical talk.
