Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jesus and the Twelve "LIFE-GIVING" Pastors

It was nearly a decade ago that I began using the terms theologically bankrupt and theologically corrupt to describe the the work product of CGGC leadership.

It's easy to criticize the hierarchs for their faddish Johnny-come-lately adopting of hot ideas in the church world. But, honestly, belatedly jumping on bandwagons is some of the best work CGGC hierarchs have done in recent generations.

At least, a fad that's about to fade is likely to have at least a smidgen of theological respectability.

But, when the titans of the CGGC Shepherd Mafia come up with plans and programs of their own?

Theological disaster.


...even heresy.

Take 35 000 X 2000 with its definition of a disciple as a person who attends a Sunday morning show.

And, now, in the ERC, the new New Strategic Plan centered on the notion that, in the spiritual realm, there is such a thing as a...


The CGGC is a church denomination. Right?

CGGC abreviates Churches of God, General Conference, right?

The CGGC operates in the realm of things spiritual, does it not?

I'm not aware of precisely what Dr. Richardson and Dave Williams mean in those videos when they talk about healthy, life-giving churches being led by healthy, life-giving pastors...

...but, reading the Word, and understanding what the word "life" means in a spiritual context...

...this looks to me as if it has to be heresy...



Again, on or off the blog,...

...please speak to me, and the readers of the blog, about this.

And, understanding that people who are unconvinced by what the hierarchs are doing come here for insight...

...please consider doing it in public, on the blog.

It is true that the Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing has not been blessing the ERC and the CGGC. No one can dispute that. No one does.

As I am currently understanding the words of Dr. Richardson and Dave Williams, the Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing will not bless this.

Nothing possibly could make me happier than for someone to show me that my take on this is off-base.

If you can set me--us--at ease, please do.

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