I'm seriously declaring myself to be a candidate for the position of being the person who will lead the ERC CGGC out of its death spiral, in the Spirit, into a reversal of its fortunes.
It's true that I currently have a full-time job. However, the management of the store that employs me is profoundly Christian. They are all lovers of the Body of Christ. I have no doubt that they would release me and grant me a leave of absence to serve the ERC at this delicate moment.
There are many reasons why I believe the ERC should turn to me now.
The most obvious is that I have been right in predicting one ERC leadership debacle after another over the course of all the years since I began to walk in my prophetic calling.
Each of those fads ERC leadership followed? All those programs they created? All of those plans they devised? I, with clear vision of the future, predicted to be a coming disaster.
And, I was bang on correct. Every time!
The danger to the future of the Conference that its leadership described at Conference sessions this year?
I foretold it.
The Word says that the test of a person who claims to be a prophet is whether or not what s/he predicts comes true.
So, my fellow ERC CGGCers: Check the record.
When the current mountaintoppers were saying, "Try this program," and you did, and I went ballistic and foretold doom?
Who was right?
When the current mountaintoppers sold you the old new Strategic Plan, which they now acknowledge to be disastrous mere words on paper? Think about who has been denouncing CGGC leadership for its To Talk is to Walk-ism and who alone and by himself as far as I know, denounced as folly the old new Strategic Plan mountaintoppers now acknowledge to be folly.
For years, only I have seen, with clear, excuse the pun, 20-20 Vision, the ERC's future.
Can there be any alternative?
Hire me to serve the ERC!
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