Thursday, June 1, 2017

Breaking Personal News: For the First Time Ever, I didn't Read the eNews

Since Ed Rosenberry launched the CGGC eNews, all those years ago, when he was a newly minted General Conference mountaintopper, I have gone over each and every issue of the eNews with a fine-tooth comb.

(There was actually a time when Ed told me that he wished I wouldn't.)

The eNews usually gets to my mailbox on Friday afternoon when I am busy at work. And, usually, I find a moment to break away from the pressure of work to read through what, now Lance, has written, I look it over and, then later, read it more carefully.

When it arrived last Friday, I wasn't even curious.

The title suggested that it was going to extol the virtues of CGGC ACTS Teams, and, honestly, my reaction was somewhere between apathy and annoyance.

Later, I saw it in my inbox and, for a nanosecond, asked myself if I wanted to read it, got annoyed with MYSELF for thinking that, and moved on.

I suspect that I am more engaged with what comes down from CGGC mountaintops than anyone in the body.

My hyper-interest in what mountaintoppers say and do, my negative view of it and my accuracy in predicting the folly of the efforts of those on the CGGC and ERC mountaintops, I believe, resulted in the ERC considering the status of my credentials last year.

Most in the CGGC are apathetic or cynical about what the mountaintoppers say and do.

I've been told that almost no one reads the eNews and I'm inclined to believe that.

But, until last Friday, I always read. Carefully. With great interest.

I've been asking myself why I didn't read this one.

I'll say this, I'm still interested in what Lance will say this Friday.

But, I've been reading about the glories of ACTS Teams for decades. Yet, our mountaintoppers have lost the generation of young people who participated in the program.

So, maybe, I wasn't annoyed as much as I was iritated.

Yet, if even I can respond to the eNews with a harrumph...

I've been asking myself if I sinned against my calling as a prophet to the CGGC by not reading Lance's latest.

If I thought that, I'd read it, no matter what.


I actually skipped the eNews for the first time ever.

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