Monday, June 19, 2017

I Should be the Poster Boy for CGGC Ministry

I walk the CGGC mountaintoppers talk.

It stuns and, at times, amuses me when I view Dr. Richardson's videos and read Lance's eNews articles and see their vision casting for wildly progressive approaches to ministry which they are convinced will transform the ERC/CGGC into healthy/growing bodies...

...and I realize that they are describing who I have been and what I have been doing...



We, at Faith, began to walk that path, what, three? four years? ago now?

Multiplication is startling, radical and cutting-edge, there, my ERC friends. Of course, except that the expelled whackoes at Faith Community have already embraced it.

Lance's June 16, 2017 eNews highlighted the importance of, I guess, mature church leaders, such as himself, investing themselves in the lives of "young leaders."

With the understanding that I have noted that in a Kingdom, the only actual leader is the King, I have been doing what Lance advocates--to about the tenth power--FOR YEARS. 

By saying that I do it to the tenth power, I mean that I do it as a full-time and as a lifestyle.


If you look at this from 40,000 feet, you have to believe that the behavior of the CGGC is insane.

And, well, I suppose mine is too.

Here's a big word I recently learned: Laicized.

Rumor has it that, in 2016, the ERC laicized me.

You want to get into trouble in the CGGC? Walk the mountaintoppers' talk and do it openly and passionately.

If you're on top of a CGGC mountain and someone actually puts what you say into action?

Shepherd whack that person.


By all rights, I should be the Poster Boy for CGGC Ministry.

Instead, in the insane CGGC world, I'm on a Wanted Poster.

Do we laugh or cry?

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