As I've noted many times, I've asked several people what I was charged with when the ERC considered the status of my credentials in 2016 and not a single person knew the charge.
Nor do I. (And, as I've said in the past, Dr. Richardson once wrote to me that there was no cause for the Standing Committee nor the Administrative Council actions.)
However, what everyone I asked said is that I've been critical of Conference leadership. (I categorically deny that but that's a matter of definition and perspective. I admit to having predicted, in the Spirit and with precision, the numerous failures of the plans of the mountaintoppers.)
The fact that I've been perceived as being opposed to the Conference is precisely why the ERC should hire me to join the Lord in a work He might do to reverse the decay and decline of the ERC.
The import of the message of ERC mountaintoppers at Conference in 2017, as reports have trickled to me, is that the mountaintop now, and suddenly, agrees with me that:
The Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing is not blessing the ERC.
And, now those same mountaintoppers have devised yet another Strategic Plan in an attempt to provoke the Lord to bless their ways.
This is the incarnation of Einstein's purported definition of insanity, that is, to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
The mountaintoppers think, "The Lord flubbed it. He didn't realize that He shouldn't have blessed our other Strategic Plans. So, we'll give Him one final chance to get it right and to join US in the work WE are doing!"
Because of the gifting given to me by the Holy Spirit and because of my halting success in hearing Him and speaking for Him, I knew for certain and foretold the failure of the old new Strategic Plan and the fact that the Lord would not join the mountaintoppers in the work THEY wanted to do.
The widely rumored discussion of the status of my credentials on the Conference floor in 2016, because I am radically, vocally and unapologetically at odds with ERC mountaintoppers, is precisely why the ERC should hire me.
Check the record of recent years. Please!
The mountaintoppers now acknowledge that they have been wrong.
And, the truth is, as I have walked in the Spirit, my prophetic words have always accurately described, in advance, the mountaintoppers' failure and folly.
For there to be a future for the ERC, there will have to be a 180 degree turn and a walk in that direction.
Current mountaintoppers get vertigo even trying to turn toward that direction. The fact that they have produced a new New Strategic Plan is all the proof of that anyone should need.
I've been pointed in the direction we should go since I embraced my prophetic gift.
We must repent...and turn from our fallen ways.
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