I have always been absolutely clear about one thing in the posts I submit to this blog:
The Churches of God, General Conference is, to use the language of people who have theological education, Presbyterial in polity.
In the language of real people:
The CGGC believes that human authority in the church resides in the community of the called or what John Winebrenner and his early Church of God colleagues called the Eldership, that is, "Ruling elders" [not 'pastors'] and elected delegates to an Eldership (Conference) meeting.
When I say that CGGC leadership is schizophrenic, therefore, I'm not saying that Lance Finley, for example, or Kevin Richardson, the Chief Mountaintopper in the ERC, are suffering from a form of psychosis.
As I say here to the point that it makes some people want to puke, those General Conference or Regional staff people are not leaders in the CGGC. They are Directors. They direct CGGC ministry established under the leadership of the highest earthly CGGC authority: The Conference, the Eldership.
Lance Finley is not the CGGC Pope. Kevin Richardson doesn't possess the authority of a Cardinal. Dave Williams, in the ERC, is not a Bishop.
Authority and leadership in the CGGC is vested in what's now called the Conference.
So, when I say that the leadership of the CGGC is schizophrenic, I'm saying that the statements and proclamations of the Eldership(s) produce the fruit of schizophrenia.
That is, the Conference(s) is/are out of touch with reality, as the Lord: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, created what is real. The CGGC Eldership has created an alternate reality, formed from its own, unique delusion.
Here's evidence that the Conference exists in a unreal universe of its own creation:
It declares that, in the CGGC, the Bible is its "only" "rule" of faith and "practice" and that its mission is to create churches, using Winebrenner's words, "on their New Testament plan...
...yet, at the same time, it declares,..
...using the language of Americanized Big Business capitalism, that the General Conference Executive Director is the "Chief Executive Officer" of the CGGC and it still, after decades of folly, defines a disciple of Jesus Christ as someone who has contributed to the average attendance of a congregation.
Show us that teaching in Winebrenner's New Testament plan!
The CGGC Eldership blends together principles that, in the universe the Lord formed, are entirely at odds with each other.
By the standard of what the Lord created, the CGGC universe possesses all of the essential qualities of the insane.
Human authority in the CGGC is schizophrenic. It's psychotic. It core, guiding principles can make sense only in an alternate universe--one not created by the God of the Bible.
Therefore, the CGGC can't and will not be blessed by the God of creation.
We must repent.
What follows are some of my observations based on the reality that CGGC leadership is schizophrenic:
1. If you want proof that God's real world truth doesn't matter in the CGGC, reflect on the illogic and contradictory nature of CGGC Eldership truth.
2. If you want proof that CGGC mountaintoppers are not people of truth, consider the fact that they allow these contradictions to remain and, in fact, continue to add to the illogic of Conference proclamations.
3. In my opinion, CGGC mountaintoppers keep the psychosis of the Eldership in place because the schizophrenia makes it easier for them to abuse their authority and behave in authoritarian ways that even Roman Catholic Popes and Cardinals never would.
4. To repeat what I've already said, the God Who created the real universe will not enter into the false CGGC universe to bless it, yet CGGC mountaintoppers seem still to hope that He will.
5. The schizophrenia of CGGC leadership invites chaos. As CEO, the General Conference Executive Director, if s/he wishes, may defy biblical authority. That, in my opinion, has happened in the past. That person is, after all, CEO and, as such, possesses ultimate authority in the CGGC, at the same time that the Bible is our only rule of faith and practice.
6. I believe that this schizophrenia defines the core of CGGC identity. The CGGC IS schizophrenia.
7. This illogic and self-contradiction is what happens when a Shepherd Mafia succeeds in dominating a church body. Illogic and self-contradiction goes unnoticed because tolerance is treasured over truth. A sin, where there is a Shepherd Mafia, is to demand that the Mafia submit itself to God's truth.
8. In the end, the CGGC will thrive only if the Lord blesses and the Lord will not bless where His reality is cast aside. He alone is truth. CGGC schizophrenia is an offense to Him.
The CGGC must repent.
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