Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I STILL Don't Know Why I was Defrocked...if I even was

I mentioned, in my Temporary Bachelorhood post a few days ago, that I would be meeting a pastor friend for lunch. And, in fact, I did.

Our meeting was the first time we spoke face to face in more than a year.

This guy has been an advocate for me and neither voted for the rumored defrocking, nor has acquiesced to it.

He reviewed, with me, some developments in ERC ministry up to, during and since last year's Yay God sessions.

He was able to give me information that I'd not heard before, and, while I have an absolute sense of peace about my role in rumored recent events, it was angst-ful to listen to his account of what others have said and done as far as I am concerned.

I also told him about a meeting and email exchanges and conversations I've had with Kevin Richardson. I've never mentioned these things to anyone before and, certainly, have not detailed them here.

Toward the end of our lunch, I asked the question I've asked two other people in the past in reference to the rumored defrocking, "What is the sin I was accused/convicted of?"

His answer was similar to what I heard the first two times I asked the question: "I don't know. "

He did add, "I guess they would say, ' the Conference...that you don't submit to the Conference.'"

I shouted, in the middle of the restaurant, "I always submit to the Conference!"


And, I do.

Obviously, admittedly, I am very outspoken in expressing my concern about the decline of the ministry of the CGGC and of the ERC.

I'm consistent in pointing out, for example, the ways I see "leaders" of the ERC and CGGC themselves being guilty of insubordination to the authority of the Eldership which declares the Bible as our only rule of faith and practice and our denominational mission of establishing churches "on the New Testament plan."

But, in what I do, I, myself, am ALWAYS subordinate to the Conference, I always submit to the Conference.

More importantly, here at Faith, we are intensely focused on the CGGC mission of functioning according to the New Testament pattern of being a gathering of believers.

Here, if nowhere else in the CGGC, we, at least attempt, always, to look to the New Testament to guide us in what we do...

...and we do those things to submit to the authority of the Conference, to operate, in absolute and literal SUBORDINATION, to the Conference.

We teach and believe the doctrines of the CGGC and, as a core person in this ministry, I always do what I do to submit to the authority of the Eldership.

If anyone is innocent of the charge of insubordination in the ERC, it is I.


As we talked, it became clear to me--based on this conversation and comments others have made on this blog and, based on emails I have received and other conversations I have had--that:

Kevin Richardson was far less than honest on the Conference floor in characterizing how he behaved and what I said and did in the months and, even years, leading up to Conference in 2016.

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that many of the people who voted to defrock me did so under false pretenses, based on untruths told about me or, at the very least, implied by Kevin.

I mentioned to my friend the ways I can document my account of what I said and did--if it would, one day, be necessary for me to prove my side of the story.

And, more to the point, what Kevin actually said and did.


We discussed ways I can seek justice--and truth.

I am praying through how to respond. And, I have been.


I honestly believe that the Conference acted under false pretenses.

I'm hoping that brothers and sisters will initiate a process of reconciliation.

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