Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Prediction about the Prophetic Role the CGGC will Play with Immigrants and Refugees

When I was a parish priest, and even to some extent today as a participant in a less Medieval community of Jesus-followers, I highlighted the New Testament teaching that everyone who possesses the Holy Spirit has spiritual gifts.

As a part of that teaching, I frequently cautioned people not to judge others by their own gift or gifts. It's easy to criticize others when they don't have the same vision or passion that the Lord has given you. To do so, however, would be very wrong because your vision and passion is a unique gift from God and others have their own gift.

In addition, I think that it is critical that disciples be willing to take the first step when they have a vision or passion rooted in their gift.

So, I'm going to practice my own teaching.


I believe that I have the gift of prophecy. That gift, it seems to me, manifests itself in many ways. Two apply here.

First, I am consumed by an obsession for truth: Doctrinal truth and the speaking of truth.

Second, I, apparently, can see the connection between the present and the future easily and, I have to guess, more easily than others around me.


One of Stephen Covey's habits of highly effective people is to begin with the end in mind. Based on what happens in the CGGC, I can only guess that I do that more easily than people in the church hierarchy.

It frustrates me when it is obvious to me that what they are doing will accomplish nothing. Yet, they act fruitlessly time after time and, it seems to me, without ever having the end in mind. And, as a result, they mastermind our continuing decay.


Last year, after years of effort, a writing committee presented a document entitled, HERE WE STAND, ultimately to the General Conference in session and the document was approved.

HERE WE STAND says of itself that it is "a call for the engage the world..."

The point has been made on this blog and on the CGGC's own eNews blog that President Trump's Executive Order restricting immigration from seven majority Muslim countries demands a response from Jesus followers.

My prediction: HERE WE STAND will not serve as an effective tool in inspiring and directing vibrant and prophetic obedience to the commands of Jesus regarding the love His disciples must show to their neighbors and even their enemies.

A second prediction: The people of the CGGC will continue to prefer the mountain-toppers decades old definition of a disciple as someone who, at least occasionally, goes to a church, uh, service.

Let's try to remember to check back, say in six months, about Labor Day, to assess the accuracy of this predictive prophecy.


Or, and this is where I fight judging others by my prophetic gift, do we all just want to acknowledge it now? Am I the only person in the CGGC who sees this, or do we all already know it?

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