I'm in the midst of a killer week on my job but I want to take a quick moment to give a nod to Lance's January 27, 2017 eNews.
The article itself is not unusual until Lance addresses the state of the CGGC these days.
Among Lance's observations? Eighty per cent of CGGC congregations are either in stagnation or decline.
Four out of five!
My rhetorical question is: Why don't we repent?
I suggest two reasons.
1. We don't, as the Word commands, work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
2. We still, as a result, don't know the godly sorrow that produces a repentance that leads to salvation.
The God of all love and power and grace and mercy and authority blesses. But, He's not blessing us.
We need to turn.
I have to admit that it's a curious thing that I would praise Lance for his honesty here and, on the eNews blog, call the Committee that composed HERE WE STAND, of which Lance was a part, well, well-intentioned liars.
ReplyDeleteLance is very honest, very forthright, here. He doesn't gloss over the truth of the increasingly rapid decline of the CGGC. And, I do praise him for that. Who else in a high position in the CGGC hierarchy has told this truth?
As far as the disappointing lack of truth in HERE WE STAND, it's hard to see Lance as the driving force there.
Could he have demanded honesty? Yes. And, he does bear responsibility and a large portion of the blame for it due to the fact that he was perched on the highest peak of the CGGC mountain when it was published.
But, clearly, HERE WE STAND is not his brainchild.
Telling truth in the CGGC leadership culture has been a difficult thing for some time now. At least, Lance attempts to do so.