According to George Jensen and Travis Jarrett, both of whom posted on this blog, it was 73 days ago from the day I am writing this post that the ERC in session voted to recall my ordination.
At the time, both brothers wrote encouraging notes, expressing the hope that reconciliation and restoration may still be possible between the Conference and me. For my part, I thanked both for their encouragement and expressed my willingness to cooperate with any attempt to effect reconciliation.
However, seventy three days out, it seems to me that those both of those guys may have been playing a practical joke, taunting me--torturing me--making up stories about Conference discussions focused solely on me and my alleged dastardly deeds.
I've received no word, from the Conference, of an action taken against me or of a call for my ordination. I'm still holding on to my ordination. Tightfistedly, I will add.
It seems to me, that on the Day, people will be judged based on what they actually did. (See the so called Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 25 and Ephesians 2:10, among many biblical authorities). Faith is known to be what it is by its fruit--the action it produces.
If you ERCers have any hope for the future, it seems to me that you should begin to pay close attention to what the people on your mountaintops are actually doing.
In this case, after what I've been told was a direct act of the Conference in session, initiated by the mountaintoppers themselves?
I have no idea what this inaction means, but I can't help but see real insubordination, on behalf of leadership, to the authority of the Conference.
It is any wonder we are in spiritual and numerical free fall?
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