Friday, February 27, 2015

Bagging the Gathering 2-26-15

It's been a long winter for us. I have sinus and respiratory problems nearly every year. With the cancer med Evie takes, her immune system is not what it was. She, especially, was not feeling well yesterday so we made it known that we would not join the gathering last night. The family that was bringing the main course arranged for us to have more than enough of the meal, which I actually picked up on the way home from the Wal Mart pharmacy. We spent a quiet evening watching some old Agatha Christie, Miss Marple DVDs, THE BODY IN THE LIBRARY and A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED, specifically. Very relaxing.

Of course, we don't believe that "going to church" is a form righteousness but, living in the world as we do, we need the gatherings to provoke us on to a righteous life in our worlds. And, I'm starting to feel the drain. We've missed two straight Sunday gatherings and now a Thursday. Gathering matters as a means to an end for us.

It looks, though, as if we will be starting a third gathering on Wednesday beginning next week. Hmmm. I wonder if the Church Planting gurus on the mountain tops are counting ours among churches planted?

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