Wednesday, January 3, 2018

What do ERC Leaders Want?

In the conversations I'm having about the upcoming ERC Conference sessions, no one is telling me that they love the new New Strategic Plan.

That probably surprises no one.

I've been clear and passionate about my opposition to it. It's unlikely that someone enthused about the plan would be talking to me.

The people talking to me about their chagrin over the plan each have their own take on why the plan is bad...

....and all of them make valid observations.

While they all, in my experience, have unique takes on the plan itself, I'm concerned about one of the approaches I'm getting about the January Conference meeting itself.


You will recall the groups I've identified in the ERC:

1. The Hierarchs
2. The Apathetics
3. The Skeptics, and
4. The Cynics.

I'm surprised at who and how many are lining up as being part of the fourth group, the Cynics.

I'm getting more than I would like of people saying that the new New Strategic Plan is not going to work and, therefore, either,

"I'll say this to you, bill, but I won't say it at Conference,"

or even,

"(The plan) is really nothing more than rearranging the chairs on the Titanic, so I'm not going to Conference at all."

And, I have to say that I'm wondering very seriously...

...if the creators of the new New Strategic Plan want the people who see flaws in the plan to stay away from the meeting.

The hierarchs do seem to be, well, hell-bent on getting the plan approved.

And, if enough of the Cynics do stay away, chances are very good that the ARTICLE VII amendment will be approved...

...but if that many Cynics do stay away, they'll be casting a vote that will have consequences long after the Conference session is over.

They'll be saying, "There ain't no way I'm going along with this sham!"

Can you say: Words on paper?

Shepherd leadership has always had the problem of being extremely short-sighted.

Why are spiritual vitality and participation numbers in free fall in the CGGC/ERC?

Many reasons...but one is that it is apostles and prophets who have a vision for, and sight of, the future...

...and shepherds merely plug holes in the dike.

I suspect that the shepherd hierarchs of the ERC believe, really believe, that, if they get enough people to vote for the ARTICLE VII amendment, something important will have happened.

And, that's precisely the mistake they made with the 2015, old new Strategic Plan...

...which, as we all know,...

...was a joke.

Going back to the question in the title: I think they want the plan to be approved...

...but, that's the wrong thing to want.


  1. Bill you make an important point when you say that if people stay away from the special session they are casting a vote. That's sad but true. Votes that aren't cast are not counted but may well influence the outcome.
    Let me add an addendum to this comment. If people don't vote they can't complain later if they get something they don't want
    I have a question for those who don't plan on attending. Where did they read they would be required to speak for or against the plan? The only speaking they have to do is with the ballot.
    And a word of caution Bill as you rant about shepherds. I.e "shepherds merely plug holes in the dike". Jesus was not afraid to call himself a shepherd. I wouldn't mind being identified with him

  2. Lew,

    First, let applaud you for engaging me publicly. Others, obviously, prefer to engage me privately.

    Of course, it's safe for you because you are taking the side of the mafiosi, so you take no risk.

    Let me repeat something I've said many times: I love shepherds and I never rant about them. Jesus did, indeed, call Himself the Great Shepherd. He'd be a great model for any person with the gift and calling of shepherding to follow.

    What I rant against is Shepherd DOMINATION.

    The Word says that, the church is built on the apostles and the prophets with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone.

    Human authority in the Kingdom, such as it is, is not in the hands of shepherds.

    And, based on 1 Corinthians 12, which ultimately ends up being about what shepherds today call "leadership," no person or gifting should dominate, as shepherd values do in the CGGC/ERC. All part of the Body of Christ must be interdependent.

    And, certainly, the Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing is not blessing us for the domination of our shepherd hierarchy.


    Like you, I am chagrined that some are so frustrated by events in the ERC that they are taking a stand on principle by, at least, considering a boycott of the Conference sessions.

    But, as I point out in my Characteristics of the CGGC Brand, cynicism also flows down toward the body from leadership in the CGGC as well flowing up from the body to it.

    It's mutual. The people considering a boycott are responding to something and, as far as I can tell, leaders have no interest in practicing love to bring about reconciliation.

    We are broken from top to bottom.

    But, a point I'm making is that if what the hierarchs really want is for the new Strategic Plan to transform the Conference, they'd be working on healing broken relationships, not pushing to get a plan approved.

    At this point, the Cynics, as far as I can tell, HATE the new New Strategic Plan.

    And, they'll vote against it in one way or another. That's a problem for the people who hope that this plan will make a difference.

  3. Bill, I do not think your prophetic gift has given you any insight as to where I stand regarding the Strategic Plan. I can't think of anything I have written or said that indicates where I stand. Your response to my comments indicates you are a good sniper your self. You say I can have the courage to speak out because I support the Mafioso. Wow Bill. If you are going to take a shot in the dark you should wear night vision goggles.

    My concern is, and has been, the people (up the ERCCOG ladder) who talk to you but have not expressed their concerns, as far as I know, to those in leadership.

    I have publicly and by email raised my concerns but not to you, and why should I? I would be more than glad to contact the other snipers and tell them to show up or shut up.

    One more comment before I go back to work. Your blog does not ooze love for shepherds, your protestations to the contrary.

  4. Lew,

    Hold on a cotton-pickin minute! I never suggested that you support the new New Strategic Plan. What I said is that you take the side of the mafiosi.

    And, you do.

    Suggesting that people who love the Conference but take issue with the new New Strategic Plan, "Snipers?!?!?!!!"

    You take the side of the mafiosi.

    To my knowledge, the people who are in conversation with me and who have concerns about the new New Strategic Plan do talk with the creators of the plan and have expressed their objections. I'm not aware, however, that the planners are really open to hearing about the objections. I will admit that, in the dark and secluded ERC valley in which I live out my exile, I may not be hearing about the energizing dialogues the hierarchs are having with others.

    But, no one is telling me about those conversations.

    This blog certainly doesn't ooze love for shepherds nor, does it, though, practice the sort of hate speech you employ when you refer to people with genuine, and deeply rooted, concerns about the new New Strategic Plan as, "Snipers," as you do with every opportunity.

    I revere the shepherd gifting. I lack it and I respect it.

    On the other hand, I abhor what the Shepherd Mafia has done to cause the decay of the Church of God which once was a spiritually empowered movement.

    And, while I love and respect the men and women who faithfully live in the shepherd gifting, I hate what happens when, as a group, shepherds usurp their gift and calling.
