Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Dog for Mom?

It is usual for people with dementia, when they suffer a trauma, to advance in their illness.

The death of my dad has been, very understandably, a profound emotional trauma for my mother.

Mom and dad still walked the halls of the home holding hands as long as they were stable enough on their feet to do so.

The staff in dad's nursing care unit allowed mom to sleep in dad's bed through his last night.

Mom and dad were married for 65 years and were as emotionally connected as any two people I have ever known.

Certainly, mom is grieving. However, in addition to that, her Alzheimer's has worsened.

The most difficult part of it for her has always been the memory loss.

We were actually concerned that, on the morning after dad died, she'd have forgotten. But, she did remember.


Our last two dogs have been Golden Retrievers. Goldens are usually very calm and gentle...and both of ours were.

Dogs are permitted to visit home residents if they are registered with the home. Both of our Goldens visited mom and dad during their years at the home. And, mom bonded deeply with both of them.

Mom told us that she didn't sleep at all the night after she learned that Maggie died.

Now, mom seems really to want to find comfort in our dog.

You may remember that Lizzie died on December 17, the day before dad's funeral.

So, a few nights ago, mom called Evie and asked how the puppy is. It broke Evie's heart to have to remind mom that Lizzie had died.

Now, every time we talk to mom it seems that she's talking about dogs. She does remember now that Lizzie's gone but she keeps asking when we're going to get a new dog and what kind it will be.

I resigned myself to the reality that we'd probably get another dog anyway but now it seems we almost need to for mom's emotional and mental health.

My guess is that there's a one in three chance that we'll have one by the end of this month and a 4 to 1 chance we'll have one by the end of February.

Oh, well...

I like dogs and Goldens are sweet and lovable.

But, they die so young.

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