Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Big Government Church-ism in the new New Strategic Plan

The very first, as Lew calls it, sniping, I received from a Round Table Meeting at which the ERC new New Strategic Plan was presented, was the impression, which I received, that, in the plan, Conference leadership assumes a role for itself that is much greater than leadership in the CGGC had ever imagined before.

The description, BIG GOVERNMENT CHURCH-ISM is mine, based on that impression.

But, I think it's accurate.

ERC paid staff will increase in size under the new plan.

Perhaps, more importantly, the hierarch's reach into the workings of local churches, and into the ministry of ERC parish priests, will be more invasive, through the Conference-organized and operated Connecxtions groups.

And, that's one reason that the honesty and integrity of the human beings who want to run the Conference must be an issue.

From the secluded, deep, dark and distant valley where I live out my exile I don't even know the membership of the Task Force that wrote the new New Strategic Plan.

(Just curious: Do you know all of those names?)


Have you noticed that the authority of the Word hasn't been mentioned in connection with the new New Strategic Plan?

Have you noticed that the leading of the Spirit hasn't been mentioned?

Has it occurred to you how great a quantum leap in the authority of human leaders, over the activity of ERC ministers and churches, is being demanded by ERC hierarchs under the proposed plan?


Considering that the Word is not being cited, that the Spirit, by their own words (or lack of them), is being ignored and that the hierarchs want more control over ministers and churches...

...isn't it fair to say that the message of the new New Strategic Plan is:

He must decrease and we must increase!

I'm trying as hard as I can not to exaggerate. I think I'm not exaggerating.

I'm taking what they're saying...and NOT face value.

And, I'm offering a perfectly sincere prophetic warning.


Before you vote, "Aye," on this thing, demand a testimony from the hierarchs of their search for the guidance of the Spirit...a testimony you can believe, along with a believable explanation of why the guidance of the Spirit has not been mentioned, first and foremost, as the reason for this plan.

Before you approve, get the biblical foundation of this plan from the hierarchs and demand the opportunity to examine it and to pray over it and meditate and reflect on it.

Before you give the go ahead, ask the Lord if He wants you to have stronger human mediation between Christ and you, rather than less.

This plan is institutional. It is Big Government Church-ism... is Big Institution. It's not Big GOD.

It's big on human programs and plans. It is not big on the power of the Holy Spirit.

We must repent.

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