Sunday, January 13, 2019

Michael Martin Walking CGGC Talk on the CONTAGIOUS Blog

On January 9, Michael Martin published an article he had written in the Repentance category of the CGGC CONTAGIOUS blog, entitled, "Broken in Acting Instead of Being." It's a thoughtful, well-crafted article.

And, what's more, it reflects CGGC talk: It reflects our talked-about commitment to the Bible as our "only rule of faith and practice."

The article is heavily reliant only biblical teaching. It contains insightful references to a number of Bible verses/passages, mostly from the Old Testament. It demonstrates the unity of Old Testament and New Testament truth.

As it concludes, it focuses on Jesus' warning, very near the end of the Sermon on the Mount, that not everyone who calls Him, Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Mike points out that Jesus warns that people who had done "some pretty incredible spiritual stuff" are the focus of this warning. (People who prophesied, cast out demons and performed miracles in the Name of Jesus.)

Mike notes that these people, nevertheless, in the end, didn't do the will of God.

For all I can say in praise of Mike's article, I actually disagree, to an extent, at least, with Mike's ultimate point.

And, after going to great lengths to get myself registered to participate on the blog, I submitted a comment suggesting, in the form of a question, a mild tweaking of Mike's argument.

Perhaps, at some future time, I'll describe the great lengths I had to endure to register as a blog participant. And, if neccessary, I may summarize, here, the concepts I raised about Mike's conclusion.

I assure you that my comment was as constructive and respectful as is this blog article.

And, I will suggest that the comment I entered, which is still awaiting moderation, serves as a test of the subtitle of the CONTAGIOUS blog, i.e., Collaborating for Kingdom Impact.

In the past, I've noted my concern that there is no conversation, no dialog, on the blog. What little exchange of ideas there was in the early days of the blog has fizzled. There have been no least comments that have survived a month.

I've blamed the CGGC body for that in part.

But, I believe, if we are going to become a people who engage in meaningful and edifying dialog about Bible truth and important issues, the people whom the CGGC has placed in positions of leadership will have to allow themselves to become vulnerable and participate with us in the process of collaboration.

They will have to take the lead in conversing if there's any possibility that the body will follow and join in.

As I noted, the point I made in my blog comment raised a question.

I have two questions about the question itself:

1. Will Mike publish it?
2. Will he respond to it?

Mike, in my opinion, took one important step in realizing the CGGC walk by publishing this excellent Bible-focused article. Will he, now, empower collaboration in the body's walk, which we claim is ruled by submission to the authority of the Bible, by collaborating in a search for understanding of Bible truth? Will he, a member of the General Conference staff, submit to questioning and collaborate with a member of the body in a mutual quest for truth?

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