Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Shamelessness of ERC Leadership

I've been hinting that I'm going to present a post describing who the CGGC cynics are and how they came to be, and I am working on that post. I may publish it as soon as tomorrow.

That post identifies a core and essential conviction of the people of the first generation of the Church of God movement and shows that that belief, in a mutated form perhaps, still drives a significant number of the pastors and churches in the CGGC, even if those people have never heard the name, John Winebrenner, as if that belief is in the DNA of the CGGC.

I'm convinced that that "big picture" reality is at the root of much of the dysfunction that paralyzes the CGGC today.


But, there is another, more immediate reason that many in the CGGC simply roll their eyes at each and every leadership initiative.

In an off the blog exchange about my last post, which summarizes the first Chuck Frank Strategic Plan video, the person who responded to me suggested that I was giving myself too much credit in suggesting that Chuck was plagiarizing me.

I admitted that I wrote parts of the post tongue in cheek.

I'm sure that Chuck was not ripping me off. I doubt he's read anything I've written in years, though it is also clear that at least one person among the ERC hierarchs does keep track of what I write here.

But, the point remains, that what Chuck is saying now parrots what I've been saying for years...


...and, it is what I've been saying on this blog that motivated the ERC hierarchs to challenge my credentials.

It is baffling, yet so very typical that in so short a time after the attack on my credentials, what I was saying so fervently and passionately about, among other things, multiplication,...

...what I was CONDEMNED for...

...Chuck is now presenting as a fresh new vision...

...and a cornerstone of the hierarchs' new New Strategic Plan.

And, Chuck presents the vision as theirs so, well, shamelessly.


But, Chuck, and Kevin...and Dave...

Understand this:

...the people of the ERC didn't just fall off of a tomato truck...

....and, you can't sell the Brooklyn Bridge to many of them.

The CGGC has had a Vision Statement promoting multiplication since 2009 and you have been hard-heartedly turning your noses up to it.

During much of that time, I've been condemning your insubordination to the authority of the CGGC Eldership and begging you to submit to the authority of the Eldership, represented in that Vision Statement.

And, now, suddenly...shamelessly...what you ignored is your newest plan to win the future.

You are truly and absolutely shameless...

...and many of the people of the ERC see that. And, they are cynical...

...and you have earned that response.

And, many of them aren't going to buy in...

...unless, of course,... repent, confess your past sin...

...and beg the Lord and the people of the ERC for forgiveness of your sins.


I asked the person who responded to my last post the rhetorical question, "Is it any wonder that there are cynics?"

Is it?

We must repent.

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