Friday, September 29, 2017

Chuck Frank's Second Video: Cheap Grace

As you may know, my father's health is declining. He is under the care of hospice, he's losing weight rapidly, and he sleeps nearly all of the time.

I've had a grueling work week and am using every moment of my spare time to be with my mother and my father.

I watched the second Chuck Frank video some time ago, but have not had an opportunity to comment on it until now.


Please take this to heart:

Shortly after my first...of now many...viewings of it, my impression was that Chuck is, through his definition of an "authentic disciple," preaching cheap grace.

Here is Chuck's definition of a disciple, taken directly from his second video:

"An authentic disciple cares about people, cares about Jesus, cares about God, cares about everything that is going on in people's lives and wants to help people get to know God personally."

"Cares?" Right. "Cares!"

Based on what Jesus taught and did in the Gospels, this is absolutely and entirely perverse.

As a lover of Jesus and His life and teaching, I'm trying not to be unnecessarily cruel toward Chuck, but do you think Chuck has ever heard of the Great Commandment?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind? And, love your neighbor as yourself?




Jesus actually said that unless a person hates his father and mother that person isn't worthy of Him.

Chuck dilutes that powerful teaching of Jesus to the point that Chuck defines authentic discipleship as being, simply, a caring person.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer had a way of describing what Chuck believes and teaches. Bonhoeffer called it, "Cheap Grace."

Cheap Grace is "the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession. Cheap Grace is Grace without discipleship, Grace without the cross, Grace without Jesus Christ."

For Chuck, though, an authentic disciple is, merely, someone who cares.


To be fair to Chuck, what he's preaching has been packed into the false gospel the CGGC Shepherd Mafia been doling out for decades.

What Chuck's done is spell it out concisely and clearly and preserved it on a video.

This lukewarm "Gospel of caring" our hierarchs have been preaching... I've been saying...

...continues to be unblessed by the Lord.

We must change what we think and believe. We must repent.

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